Intense. Pensive. Intenspensive.

I'm gonna buy [insert product name] right now because this guy looks like just the funnest guy to hang out with!

Did you see that explosion back there? I did that. *shrug*

Intense. Pensive. Intenspensive.
MY CRAZY EX: "Frisky Business"
February 8, 2016
I'm featured in a hilarious new web series playing the character: "Sanctimonious Gay."
Go check out the full series but especially my two episodes (and the outtakes from my first one)!
Loved working on this project. It was a ton of sanctimonious fun!
February 2, 2016
Check out my first national commercial for Shari's Berries! It's called "Holiday Help Desk." Suuuch a fun and surreal shoot! Enjoy! And go buy some berries!
Visit http://bit.ly/SharisBerriesVDAY for berries starting at $19.99! DISCOUNT CODE: KISSES
January 25, 2016
Wednesday, January 27th at 9/8c on LMN the Lifetime Movie Network! Watch me get into some Frisky Business as Robert, the crazy ex in this week's hilarious episode! Check your local TV schedule and set your DVR's because you don't want to miss this one!

Santa-thon 2014!
December 6, 2014
8pm Monday, December 8th, at Largo at the Coronet! Come see me as a Beach Boy in a new song: Christmastime in Southern California!
Part of a night of awesome sketches and songs, all Christmasy and hilarious, hosted by Fred Willard!
December 3, 2014
Check out my first Buzzfeed video: "Things All Musical Nerds Do!!!"
I got to do lots of dancing and singing (that's me singing over the title!), and had such a blast!
So glad I got to be a part of it!

New Commercial Representation!!
November 11, 2014
Just signed with a new commercial agent: BLAZE LA!!!!
So excited about this new partnership!

LOST: The Musical
September 20, 2014
Guess who's now playing the villain Ben Linus in LOST: The Musical! THIS GUY! We run 9/22 (the 10 year anniversary of the Oceanic Flight 815 crash) thru 10/26. Get your tickets NOW!

We Have To Go Back! A LOST Musical Parody
August 7, 2014
I just got cast as the understudy in a new musical production based on the GREATEST show of all time!!!
Check out the website!
More on this as it develops...